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Outdoor Composting Workshop—Turn Your Garbage to Gold

Trinity Episcopal Church 1118 Preston Avenue, Charlottesville

Join us to learn how to compost your food waste, yard trimmings, paper, cardboard, and wood waste into nature’s preferred food. The outdoor workshop will be taught by Piedmont Master Gardeners and the Bread and Roses Garden Team at the...

Garden Basics: Pollinators for Four Seasons

Trinity Episcopal Church 1118 Preston Avenue, Charlottesville

Pollinators such as butterflies, bees, and birds are responsible for much of the food we eat. Unfortunately, their populations are declining because of habitat loss and dwindling food supplies. The good news is that you can support pollinators and enjoy...

At James Monroe’s Highland: Prepping and Planning Your Vegetable Garden

James Monroe's Highland 2050 James Monroe Parkway, Charlottesville, VA, United States

Join the Piedmont Master Gardeners at James Monroe's Highland for a spring gardening workshop on “Prepping and Planning Your Vegetable Garden.” Participants will learn the basics of garden planning, including soil testing and seed starting, then apply these skills with...

Free Spring Lecture: ‘Horticultural Futurism,’ featuring Thomas Rainer, a leading voice in ecological landscape design

The Center at Belvedere 540 Belvedere Boulevard, Charlottesville, VA, United States

Landscape architect Thomas Rainer, a leading authority in ecological landscape design, will deliver PMG's 2025 Spring Lecture, "Horticultural Futurism: Designing a Plant-Centric Future." The 6:30 p.m. lecture will be preceded by a public open house beginning at 5:30 p.m. in The...

Garden Basics: Foodscaping—The Edible Landscape

Trinity Episcopal Church 1118 Preston Avenue, Charlottesville

In this Garden Basics session, learn how you can turn your landscape into a sustainable, perennial, ecologically healthy space that provides food. We will focus on how to grow edible crops without ripping out flowers and shrubs to convert the...

Spring Plant Sale

Albemarle Square Shopping Center Albemarle Square, Charlottesville, VA, United States

Our Spring Plant Sale will once again offer thousands of annuals, perennials, vegetables, fruit-bearing plants, trees, shrubs, herbs and houseplants, including a large assortment of native plants. In addition, shoppers can purchase gently used garden implements, yard décor, and other...

Garden Basics: Invasive Species—Not All Plants Are Created Equal

Trinity Episcopal Church 1118 Preston Avenue, Charlottesville

All too often, unsuspecting homeowners come home from a local nursery with an invasive species. Sadly, invasives wreak havoc on our ecosystems, denying birds and other native fauna the nutrition necessary to sustain them. Come learn why a Butterfly Bush...


Garden Basics: Growing Tomatoes with Confidence

Trinity Episcopal Church 1118 Preston Avenue, Charlottesville

Flavorful, vine-ripened tomatoes are often the main reason many of us plant a vegetable garden. This session will provide practical advice on the basics of tomato growing success, including: Choosing tomato varieties Planting guidelines Caring for tomato plants Dealing with...


If you are a person with a disability and desire any assistive devices, services or other accommodations to participate in these activities, please contact our main office at 434-872-4580 during business hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday to discuss accommodations five days prior to the event. *TDD number is (800) 828-1120.