Grasscycling-Let the Clippings Fall
While taking the Master Gardener class, I came to understand that it is actually preferable to leave the grass clippings on the lawn, saving labor and time, but more importantly promoting a healthy lawn.
6 Reasons to practice grasscycling
- It improves lawn quality when we allow the clippings to decay naturally and provides valuable nutrients.
- It saves time and work.
- All lawn mowers can grasscycle.
- Grass clippings are a free source of slow release fertilizer
- There is no need to spend tax dollars on landfilling grass.
- It is a simple, easy opportunity for every homeowner to do something good for the environment.
Are there reasons ever to bag the clippings?
- If the lawn is heavily diseased, removing clippings may reduce the diseased organism load
- If the lawn is mowed when wet or excessively long, the clippings will mat together and could damage the lawn under the clumps of clippings.
- If your mower does not have a method to operate without a bagger.
Although the new preferred mowing height is 4″, I feel as though I am walking through a field; and between weekly mowing, even more field-like.
With tick season in full swing, I wonder, really wonder if this new height will make a difference to overall lawn height (compared to 3″)